Well i've just signed up to my first actual advertising of
anthonyevangelistaphotography.co.uk That's right guys i am all signed up with freeindex.co.uk which seems to be a great site for searching out companies so i thought why not start here.
It should be up and running in the next few days, they just need to sign off the company name and the trade description and away we go. This will help massively with being found easier in google via tapping in "Wedding photographer or Event / Portrait photographer in Brighton and Hove rather than Anthony Evangelista photography or anthony evangelista.
Just need to see what comes out from googles next sweep for the cached pages. Have i lost you? Not sure what i mean? Well heres a little insider knowledge. When you search on Google you don't actually search this "Great World wide web" - google is actually searching its own hard drives for your information. Thats right, Google do regular sweeps of the internet and save all the internet pages on their hard drives. No brain box info for the tech /Web guys out there - but to the general public i am sure this will be something new to them.
We'll see in a few days time.